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February 19th, 2025
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Race webcasting is attempted by race directors and their support staff. Please remember that conditions under which they're working may make it difficult to post timely webcast updates... your interest and patience is appreciated!
Race Information
Race Name:Terra Sans Pave - 2022
Location:Linne Woods, Morton Grove
State:Illinois, United States
 button: button: Webcast Autoplay
Event Information
Name of Event:Terathlon 8-Hour
Duration:8 Hours
Started Date/Time:Saturday August 27th, 2022, 7:35:02.52 am
button: Assign Numbers 

Event Information
Name of Event:Terra 10-Mile
Distance:10 Miles
Started Date/Time:Saturday August 27th, 2022, 9:05:03.22 am
button: Assign Numbers 
Monitor participant progress by clicking on a race Number below.

This list of 32 participants is ordered by name. List by: Race Number
Number Team Captain Age Category State /
Hometown Team Name
11Brittany Askeland41FILDowners Grove
12Julie Bane58FILWoodstock
51Abbe Burke64FILLake ForestTri-umph
13Donna Carlson43FIABettendorf
14Selga Cheris52FILGlencoe
15Kip Conwell47MILChicagoOuter Lanes Athletic Club
16Kim Dodds64FILChicago
17Patti Downey55FIlPark RidgeProof Positive
18thomas estka58Milchicago
19William Fitzgerald71MILProspect HeightsTeam Fitz
20Karl Flener48MILChicago
21Mary Gustafson46FILChicago
22Lawrence Harding71MILWoodridge
23Chloe Jensen45FILChicagoOuter Lanes Athletic Club
24Joanna Kellogg49FILChicagoEuro Trak Klub
25Tom Kohler64MIlPark RidgeProof Positive
26Catherine Krawitz62FILPark ridgeTeam Fitz
27Sam Krawitz33FIlWestchesterTeam Fitz
28Maureen Lesak49FILChicago
29linda leyden58FILChicago
30Andrew Masciopinto27MILChicago
31patti ogden57FILHomewood
32Becky Patch38FILRolling Meadows
33Jill Perry33FILChicago
34Tracey Roberts54FILLAKE ZURICHTri-umph
35Kate Schnatterbeck53FilGlenviewTri-umph
36Janelle Silva42FILPark Ridge
37Morgan Steele29FILChicago
38Boris Tannenbaum66MILMundelein
39Lynn Vocelka64FILLa Grange Park
40Alisha Welc31FILSchaumburg
41Adam Zamora48MILPark RidgeProof Positive

Event Information
Name of Event:Terra 8-Km
Distance:8 Kilometers
Started Date/Time:Saturday August 27th, 2022, 9:05:03.22 am
button: Assign Numbers 

Event Information
Name of Event:Terra 4-Km
Distance:4 Kilometers
Started Date/Time:Saturday August 27th, 2022, 9:05:03.22 am
button: Assign Numbers 
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